Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fragile X Awareness Mini Kit

Here is my new kit I was able to make called Fragile X Awareness. This kit is near and dear to my heart. My son and I have this mental disability. Along with a lot of family members. You can learn about this at
Its just too long to explain on here so please click on the link above to read about it. Thanks so much!! 
Here is the kit

You can download this kit HERE
Please read my TOU before you use my kit.
Thanks Angela aka Queenie


  1. Thank you for sharing this kit and the information.... <3

  2. Now I know a little more about FXS. Thanks so much for sharing this kit but, most important, thanks so much for letting us know!!

  3. thank you for the info and the lovely kit,may you have much peace and happiness in your life,will pray for you and your son and all who suffer with this.donnalee
